Burn Engine has so many features we just couldn’t list them all in the demo site. It is actually impossible to demonstrate them all because many of the features combine with other to produce unique visual and functional combinations. Some of the not mentioned options are:
- Text logo - use a plain text logo with custom font instead of an image.
- Store control - you can enable/disable some e-commerce related functions - brands, compare, wishlist, checkout, gift voucher, affiliate, returns
- Subcategories style - includes a single line subcategories in a slider, several display styles and an option to list next level categories
- Custom buttons - set a custom “add to cart” button text according to the stock status of the respective product
- Site width - change the maximum side width
- System messages - manage appearance of system messages
- Background - set store background globally or for specific information page/category
- Payment images - add payment images at the bottom next to copyright information.
- Custom code - apply custom stylesheets and javascript through admin panel without having to edit files
- Social integration - setup social widgets (Facebook, Twitter) with different locales
It’s up to you to discover the countless Pavilion possibilities and use them according to your needs. Of course, more features will come with the theme updates as we will watch closely your requests.
Stay tuned!